There are no solutions. Only tradeoffs.
- Thomas Sowell |
You have one of the toughest and most important roles to play in reentry! The effort of supporting a family member or a friend as they make the transition from prison to society can be time-consuming, emotionally challenging and extremely difficult. If your loved one or friend is currently incarcerated, please check out the links and tools we have found to support you.
If you are here to help someone with their release: please visit any or all pages on the website to find information! You might want to start on the Formerly and Currently Incarcerated Person’s page, or look at the Quick Start Guide to help you navigate this huge website!
NEW! Print state resource flyers and Fair Shake’s ‘quick start’ guide. Print and mail a one-stamp reentry packet! (click here)
Ameelio has an app that you can use to send free letters or photos through the postal service. The company says: “Whether it’s images, postcards, or games, send them for free. We’ll print and mail it for you.”
Fair Shake has received several responses from incarcerated folks saying the app works very well. I cannot promote an app, however, without including this:
APP REMINDER: Companies that offer “free” services through ‘apps’ capture lots of data from your phone. “When the product is free, you are the product.” Try to keep this in mind in this age of data mining and “smart” technology.
The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is a U.S. government program that helps many low income households pay for broadband service and internet connected devices.
Children of Incarcerated Parents– A Bill of Rights
San Francisco, CA
Parenting Beyond Prison – Resources for Incarcerated Parents & their Families – Nationwide! 2024
Directory of Programs Serving Children and Families of the Incarcerated (
Programs in States from ALABAMA – MISSISSIPPI (Maintained on the Rutgers University website.)
Programs in States from MONTANA – WYOMING (Maintained on the Rutgers University website.)
Programs that offer NATIONAL SERVICES (Maintained on the Rutgers University website.)
The Children of Incarcerated Parents LIBRARY
Click here to watch Sesame Street collection of videos on incarceration.
Little Children Big Challenges – Incarceration
Learn more about using your computer on our Building Computer Skills page!
How to stay safe, recognize spam, and learn to use a computer – wherever you’re at – through our tutorial!
Providing community and supporting teens with loved ones in prison.
Our high school-based clubs meet weekly to nourish, empower, heal and inspire through creative expression and emotional support. We provide students with the tools and confidence to educate the broader community. Our core work takes place during weekly POPS the Club meetings where participants break bread and break their silence. Following their communal meals, students benefit from the wisdom of guest speakers, from opportunities for writing and making art, from conversation and from mindfulness exercises.
New Hampshire Dept. of Corrections FAMILY CONNECTIONS CENTER has collaborated with many state and private organizations throughout the years to try to create systems of care for families affected by incarceration.
A very special occasion for families!
Incarcerated parents and their children are offered one day of extended and more ‘free-form’ visiting.
Find out more about the event, and the responses to it here and through the NH-DOC website:
Everything in this section available Online Only
View Programs in States Alabama-Missouri
View Programs in States Montana-Wyoming (including Washington, DC)
View Programs offering National services
From the Dept. of Health and Human Services
Parenting Issues During Incarceration
Services to Children and Families of Prisoners
Daily Strength
(note: some states do not allow incarcerated parents to decrease, defer or delay child support payments
Arkansas Voices
Friends Outside
Chillicothe Correctional Center – Program for children and their incarcerated moms
NY State: The Osborne Association
Assisting Families of the Incarcerated
Fair Chance – Ban the Box toolkit: to help advocates launch their own fair chance, “ban the box” campaigns locally.
The veterans’ page was created to assist veterans who have been Incarcerated as well as their families. The programs and resources on this page can help reduce the pressures associated with reentry. Our hope is that you will find these resources helpful in providing relief as you face the challenges of finding and supporting an effective way of life after incarceration.Thank you for your service to our country.
We’ve created this page to showcase literary accomplishments of the incarcerated and formerly Incarcerated authors. In support of these individuals and all successful transitions, we have vetted and recommended the books on our Currently and Formerly Incarcerated Authors page.
Everything in this section available Online Only
Prison Activist Resource Center
Citizens United for the Rehabilitation of Errants / C.U.R.E.
American Civil Liberties Union: Key Issues
Families Against Mandatory Minimums / FAMM
The Sentencing Project
Signing Up and Managing an Account.
Reentry Housing information:
(many more pamphlets can be found on their website)
Facts and Issues |
Materials For Caregivers Caring for Children of Prisoners What do Children of Prisoners Need? Tips from Caregivers to Caregivers |
For Parents/Guardians Impact of Parental Incarceration Challenges for Health Care Providers Different Children/ Different Behaviors |