Find a Job (or Start Your Own Business)

There are many approaches to earning income!  Everyone’s approach to looking for a job is different, so we offer many search engines, employment options and opportunities, and even information to help you start a business, prepare for work and consider other career options.

If you’re looking to get ready to find a job, please visit our PREPARE FOR WORK page, where you’ll find information on writing a resume, up and coming careers, bonding and tax credit information for employers and much more.

Jobs for Felons HubJF

A resource “website created by a few folks who have personally watched their loved ones struggle to get a  job due to having a felony.”

The Relaunch Pad

Check out our search tool featuring over 1,000 companies we’ve personally contacted about their hiring policies for people with criminal records. Our team of industry experts even rated your likelihood of getting hired at each.

GJBGary’s Job Board:
Truck Drivers wanted!

Gary can find you a better truck driving job, with or without a CDL.



Looking for more information about trucking?  Visit Fair Shake’s


Job Search Engines

All search engines available online only

Huge and Frequently-Used Search Engines:

Simply Hired               Indeed 

Monster                     Linked Up


These links are just to get you started. I’m sure you will find many more!

Way Up up

We feel strongly that opportunity belongs to all, and that an individual should never be limited by their economic status, race, sexual orientation, gender, who you know, where you went to school, or where you’re from.

Job apps

We  feature information on 1,500 popular companies in major industries such as fast food, retail, grocery stores, hotels and restaurants. Each company listed has a page which includes company history, service offered and common job opportunities. Complete an Online Job Application for over 1,000 Companies Now!

Non-profit Job Search Engines:

Idealist   Jobs, Internships and Volunteer Opportunities (that can sometimes turn in to jobs…)


Workforce 50

Jobs for people 50+ yrs of age


Philanthropy News Digest

PND Philanthropy News Digest: all levels of non-profit jobs.


jobs that helpJobs That Help

WISCONSIN JOB SEEKERS! Looking for a meaningful career that makes a positive difference in your community? Whether you are an experienced professional or an enthusiastic newcomer, you have come to the right place!

GIGS: Single or multiple day opportunities

For an interesting temp option, you can check out the Craigslist in your area under ‘Gigs’.  You’ll find opportunities that include moving furniture, doing yard work for a few hours, car dismantling, CDL temporary jobs,  staff for weekend events, handyperson, cleaning, carpentry, welding, electrical, plumbing, painting, brand ambassadors (reps) and much more.  Many of these gigs have opportunities that can turn into jobs.

warningIMGKeep the author’s intent in mind when searching on Craig’s list. Beware that some listings are quite sketchy…





Start A Business

Visit Fair Shake’s growing Entrepreneurship page!

It’s not easy, but for the creative, courageous and tenacious, it’s often the right thing to do.  Here are a few documents and links to help you get started.

From the Small Business Administration

Business Plan Template

Start A Business!

SBA Microloans  

From the Consumer Information Center:

Planning and Goal Setting for A Small Business

Minding Your Own Business

How to Write a Business Plan

From the Fair Shake Ownership Manual

Self Employment


The National Urban League and Google  are working together to provide tech training and jobs….that will, ultimately, help them monitor you, nudge you and sell your data!   This is how ‘the master’ works.  The bait is ‘the job’, so you will do the dirty work that undermines humanity, democracy and your self-determination.

Do you have a College Degree?

FICGN LOGO for emp. pageFormerly Incarcerated College Graduate Network   Discover career-related jobs that welcome formerly incarcerated applicants and see the value in your lived experience.

Career onestop sqCareer Onestop

Put together a successful job search with resources on resumes, interviewing, networking and finding job openings.

Everything in this section available Online Only


  • America’s Service Locator connects individuals to employment and training opportunities available at local American Job
  • America’s Career InfoNet occupation and industry information, salary data and career exploration assistance.
  • mySkills myFuture helps career changers find new occupations to explore.
  • Veterans ReEmployment is a one-stop website for employment, training, and financial help after military

Jobline   1-800-414-5748

If you are looking for employment, Jobline is a free public service available on the telephone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. New jobs are listed on the system each day, and jobs that are filled are removed. All that is required is a touch-tone telephone to establish your personalized job-search profile. The system is designed for you to use each day during your job search.

USA Jobs

An official website of the United States government 

Prepare For Work!

  • – Resume Writing Ideas
  • – Letter of Explanation
  • – Prepare For Your Interview
  • … and much more!

Prepare for your employment future!



Occupation Search! 

O*NET is a unique, powerful source for continually updated occupational information and labor market research. By using a contemporary, interactive skills-based database and a common language to describe worker skills and attributes, O*NET transforms mountains of data into precise, focused occupational intelligence that anyone can understand easily and efficiently.